Shri. K. Vaidyanathan

  • Shri. K Vaidyanathan is a Fellow member of the Institute of Cost Management Accountants of India and also the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. He has over 40 years of rich domain experience in Financial and Management Accounting, Corporate Finance, Taxation, Auditing, Commercial, Regulatory Compliances, Secretarial Practice and Corporate Governance. Shri Vaidyanathan has worked with the Govt. of India, Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) and various Private Companies of repute. Shri. K Vaidyanathan has well rounded experience in compliance matters and at present he is a Practicing Company Secretary. Shri. K Vaidyanathan was appointed as an Additional Director into the Board of the Bank w.e.f., 03rd May 2019.

Last Updated on: 18-07-2022 04:05:55 AM

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